Swim Teams in Knoxville TN

There are many swim teams in Knoxville, TN. Finding the right one for you and your family can be difficult. This list is designed to help you find a team close to you and to help you choose a team that fits your family’s personality.

Swim teams are a great way to make strong swimmers. Coaching in the four swimming strokes, particularly freestyle, gives participants the skills they need to swim longer distances. Swim teams may not focus on water safety, but stronger swimmers are safer swimmers. Besides, good swimmers can go on to become lifeguards and swim instructors, helping to save lives!

All the swim teams on this list are in Knox County or Farragut.ย 

All Knox Swim does not have a swim team. However, we do offer swim lessons for beginners as well as those looking to join a swim team. You can learn more about our lessons here!

You can also read our article about pools in Knoxville, TN so you can find a place to practice before, during, or after the season!

Is your family part of a swim team? Leave a comment below to let us know your favorite team! You can also let us know any other thoughts you have. If you see any errors or we left out a team, email us at drowningfree@allknoxswim.com or leave a comment.

Summer Swim Teams

Each summer swim team is in a league. Swim teams in the same league will generally swim against each other for duel meets (one team vs. one team) and occasionally tri meets (three teams against each other) once a week throughout the summer. The highest number league is where all new teams start. If you win your league, you move up to a smaller number league. Due to the way meets are scored, the larger teams usually win, which causes them to move up a league. GKAISA sometimes redistributes the teams based on team size. This information is all thanks to Rebecca, the Aquatics Director at Emerald Youth. Emerald Youth is an awesome program that gets students swimming that would more than likely never learn to swim without their program.ย 

Also, there are two larger summer swim meets that all teams participate in: Smokey Mountain Invitational and City Meet. The Smokey Mountain Invitational is for non-USA Swimmers (swimmers not on a competitive team). The City Meet is open to anyone on a summer swim team.

There are usually a few requirements to participate on a summer swim team: age 4 or 5, swim one lap of the pool on their stomach unassisted, and sometimes a parent volunteering role. Most teams practice on a daily basis, but have different requirements for how often you must attend.ย 

Swimming for a summer swim team is a blast! You make friends, have a good time, go to fun events, and improve your times!

Most of this info can be found on theย GKAISAย website.

Alphabetical List of Knoxville Summer Swim Teams

Arnstein Jewish Community Center: Smokin’ Salmons

Beaver Brook: Blue Fins

Cherokee Country Club Swim Team

Concord Hills: Piranhas

Crestwood Hills: Wahoos

Emerald Youth: Force

Fox Den: Red Foxes

Gettysvue: Gliders

Gulf Park: Blue Sharks

Gulfwood: Gators

Knoxville Racquet Club Swim Team

Peninsula Club: Pirates

Pilot YMCA: Marlins

Sugarwood: Stingrays

Tennova YMCA: Typhoons

University Club Swim Team

Village Green: Gators

Whittington Creek: Crocodile

Knoxville Summer Swim Team Details by Area


Arnstein Jewish Community Center: Smokin’ Salmons
  • League 6

Cherokee Country Club Swim Team
  • League 4

Knoxville Racquet Club Swim Team
  • League 1


Gettysvue: Gliders
  • League 2

Whittington Creek: Crocodiles
  • League 2

Cedar Bluff

Gulf Park: Blue Sharks
  • League 3

Gulfwood: Gators
  • League 2

East Knoxville

Emerald Youth: Force
  • League 5


Concord Hills: Piranhas
  • League 2

Fox Den: Red Foxes
  • League 2

Sugarwood: Stingrays
  • League 1

Village Green: Gators
  • League 1


Beaver Brook: Blue Fins
  • League 1


Tennova YMCA: Typhoons
  • League 6

Rocky Hill

Peninsula Club: Pirates
  • League 3

UTK Campus

University Club Swim Team
  • League 4

West Hills

Crestwood Hills: Wahoos
  • League 4

Pilot YMCA: Marlins
  • League 5

Year-Round Competitive Swim Team

TNAQ is the only competitive year-round team in Knoxville. This team is for families that want to take their kids to the next level of swimming. They practice often and have meets all year. Generally, the two seasons are short-course (25 yard pool, Fall/Winter) and long-course (50 meter pool like the Olympics, Spring/Summer). We don’t recommend you start with a competitive team. Instead, we recommend you try out a summer team and go from there!

Tennessee Aquatics

Recreational Year-Round Swim Team

These teams are strictly within the NFC network. There is no governing body or league associated with them. They also have a summer swim team.

National Fitness Center
Fort Sanders has an inter-squad swim team that meets several times a week. They have small swim meets, and it is only the Fort Sanders swimmers that participate. Information is lacking on the website, so you may need to call to confirm this is an option.
Fort Sanders Aquatics

Adult Swim Teams

LB Endurance is a team of coaches that focuses on amateur athletes. They help anyone who is interested in running, biking, swimming, or triathlons.ย 
LB Endurance
Masters Swimming is a National and International body of swimmers. There is a wide range of swimmers who attend Masters practices and meets, from “just getting started” to serious international competitors. This is not a learn-to-swim program.ย  You need to be able to swim many laps if you want to join. This is a great way to stay in shape, meet new people, and even compete.

Tennessee Aquatics Masters Swimming

2 thoughts on “Swim Teams in Knoxville TN”

  1. We love Coach Jackie and Coach Joe at KRC. They do a great job developing and coaching young swimmers. Our son has learned so much and really enjoys the team atmosphere and traditions!

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